Good finds

Carve pumpkin

R is for Ryan & Rufio

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. I think it’s a combination of the crisp fall weather, scary movies on TV, and all the candy! This year was a little low key for us. We didn’t dress up (although we did dress up Rufio as Rufio), but we carved a pumpkin, baked pumpkin spice cookies, and hung out with new friends. It was a nice farewell to my favorite month, and now that it’s November I’m excited for my upcoming trip home for my sister-in-law’s baby shower and our trip to Long Island and Albany for Christmas and New Year’s. We even started our holiday shopping already! How many days until I can put up our Christmas tree again? In the meantime, here’s five good finds from the past week:

  1. How to Write a Novel and Keep Your Day Job: Here’s a good read for anyone who dreams of publishing a novel (apparently 60% of us do). If the Chief Operating Officer and Senior Fellow at the Washington think tank, the Center for Global Development, can do it – so can you!
  2. QUIZ: Which nostalgic pop punk song are you?: I got “My Friends Over You” by New Found Glory. Best. Quiz. Ever. Thanks Alt Press!
  3. Zak George’s Dog Training rEvolution: I found these amazing free dog training videos on YouTube that have been SO helpful with Rufio. These videos can replace puppy training classes, which keeps a few extra dollars in our pockets. (thumbs up!)
  4. How Kate Hudson Became the Ultimate Role Model: The easiest way to describe my favorite genre of movies is, Kate Hudson Movies. I love everything she’s been in, from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, to Raising Helen, to The Skeleton Key. She may not be known for her acting, but her sunshine-y personality is contagious. In this article she gives advice to career girls.
  5. The 15 Classic Pieces Every Woman Needs in her Wardrobe: Quality classics > large quantities of fast fashion. Add to shopping list – cashmere sweater, nude pumps, and jean jacket.


Dog Halloween costume